Thursday, March 1, 2012

Prompt 8: Social Media

How many friends have you made today?

PromptIn chapter 22 the author used many sources to write it. They used articles, youtube videos, and many sources. In all I believe that the sources that the author chose for this chapter are reliable. They all state statistics and state a main purpose which is to inform the reader or viewer about how the Social Network Sites (SNS’s) help society and hurt society. The author gathered a variety of sources eliminating the possibility of the sources being biased. The author did a great job on gathering information about the subject.

What is your favorite social network and why? Do you feel that social networks deserve the bad reps for under age contact, suicides, etc.?

Annotated Bibliography

· Boyd, Danah M, and Nicole B. Ellison. “Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Print.
                This article explains how social networks change and evolve into what we want them to be, and the history about how they came to be in the first place.
Cheung, Christy M.K., Pui-Yee Chiu, and Matthew K.O. Lee. "Online Social Networks: Why Do Students Use Facebook?." Computers In Human Behavior 27.4 (2011): 1337-1343. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.
                The main point of this text is to show how students all over the world come together to share their ideas and wisdom.

Conan, Neal, and Kim Zetter, and Andy Carvin. “Talk of the Nation” Natl. Public Radio. 4 Dec. 2008. Radio.
                This text debates if creating a fake online profile is a criminal act. Especially because of predators luring teen girls in.

Lewin, Tamar. “Study Finds Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Isn’t Such a Bad Thing.” New York Times 20 Nov. 2008. Print.
                In this text Lewin is arguing that internet socializing is a good thing because it is giving them to technology skills they will need to succeed in this new world.

Pollet T, Roberts S, Dunbar R.” Use of Social Network Sites and Instant Messaging Does Not Lead to Increased Offline Social Network Size, or to Emotionally Closer Relationships with Offline Network Members.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2011): 253-258. Print. 
                In this text scientists are conducting a test to see how social media effects relationships between two online users.

Zwier S, Araujo T, Boukes M, Willemsen L. Boundaries to the Articulation of Possible Selves Through Social Networking Sites: The Case of Facebook Profilers' Social Connectedness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 14 (2012): 571-576. Print.
                This text main point is that people on facebook feel more connected and ‘popular’ when they have a lot of ‘friends’. They do not even have to know them, they can be completely made up. It gives them a sense of belonging. 

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