Friday, January 13, 2012

Prompt 1: What is a writer?

Our first literacy reflection prompt will focus on writing and writers -- and where you think you fit in those definitions.

Watch this video (Everyone is a writer):

Do you agree (that everyone is a writer)? Are you a writer?

Check out a couple of Dr. Amy Taggert's interviews @ 

You don't need to watch the entire interview - just the answers to the specific question about whether or not they are a writer - but you might find the full interviews inspirational (for your own reflection). 

What is your answer to this question? Especially think about Jennie and the way she differentiates between a writer and a Writer.

How do you describe a writer? Are you one? How do you become one? Have you ever thought of yourself as a writer? Have you ever thought it was possible you could become one?

Note: You don't need to answer each question individually in your journal (although you can). Just watch the videos and think about the overarching question (what is a writer) and how you feel about whether or not you are a writer then write a journal post about it (you can find your journal in Blackboard under Tools).

Then Tweet some response to your journal entry. Try to include a hashtag (label) so your response becomes part of a wider conversation. Some possible hashtags include: #writer #writers #writing 

Finally, participate in the Blackboard reflection discussion for your Week 1 prompt. 

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